Tracking Your Symptoms

Diagnosing mental illness takes time and skill. There are many psychiatrists but some will rush to diagnose which can be harmful to a patient.

To make sure that you don't get too quick of a diagnosis, track your symptoms.

You do not need to spend money on a fancy calendar, a simple notebook will do. No matter what, every single day write down something.

If you are a female, note if you are premenstrual. If you take vitamins or any supplements, write it down.

Write down how you slept. Write down what you ate or drank. Track your moods.

You may experience highs and lows in your moods. Even if these highs and lows occur within one 24 hour period- write it all down.

Whatever else may be going on in your life, at your job, with your relationships, anything in your life matters so log it!

Getting an appointment to have an evaluation often takes a few weeks. You can start the work towards getting a proper diagnosis by tracking your symptoms as soon as you decide that you may need help.

Bring this notebook with you to your mental health evaluation. This will be a valuable tool for your doctor to help determine why you are feeling the way that you are. He/she will be able to guide you towards the help that you need.

Remember that you know yourself best. If you feel that something is off and you feel a lack of control over it, there is help out there that can get you back to feeling good again.

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