Coping with Triggers

Sometimes panic happens and there doesn't seem to be a reason why. Other times you know the triggers but avoiding them is sometimes not easy.

I'm making a lot of changes in my life lately and the last thing I need is to have to deal with is negativity and people who push my buttons. Unfortunately some people you cannot avoid.

It is work to learn how to cope with anxiety. I take it day by day. It's those things you cannot control that can throw a wrench into your progress.

Avoidance is unrealistic. There are some things that happen that you have to deal with. So how do you cope when others' behaviors threaten your sanity?

Stop. Breathe. Use the mantras that work for you. Repeat repeat repeat!

Sooner or later the panic will pass and you will regain control over the thoughts in your mind.

I avoid overwhelming myself and instead I focus on the moment. I try to avoid the "what ifs". That is easier to do when you just simply focus on the moment and remember that any icky feelings will pass. Don't allow the panic to consume you and don't allow the negative thoughts to multiply.

Explore how you are feeling but do not obsess about it. Negative people can only drag you down if you let them.

I firmly believe that after a while if someone in your life keeps insisting upon bringing you down with them, maybe it is time to reconsider their importance in your life.

Refuse to be abused by others' anger, disappointment in themselves or misplaced guilt. How you react to situations is totally under your control. The panic will want to control you but it doesn't have to. Don't let it consume you. Fight back by not allowing it to take space in your mind.

Panic doesn't have to win.