
Anxiety affects many adults and children. Everyone lives with a certain level of anxiety due to stress and other reasons but when anxiety becomes a problem that controls your life, you can either give in and allow it to swallow you whole or you can take back control.

Working through anxiety is hard work. Treatment for anxiety is more than just taking anti-anxiety medication. If only there was a "magic" pill. Once you are adjusted to the anti-anxiety medication that your doctor prescribes you may have more confidence to tackle the source of your anxiety. Often it is not that easy.
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I know this first-hand. Life circumstances that have been beyond my control have challenged my fight against anxiety lately. I have a fear of driving. Although in my teens I was able to drive anywhere, after the birth of my first child I suddenly found myself with a fear of being a passenger and with driving in certain circumstances.

I managed through the years and although I admit that I gave into this fear too many times, avoiding certain highways, not driving in inclement weather, etc., I got by.

Unemployment was the first catalyst in my fight against this anxiety. With no place that I had to be, it became easier to avoid driving. I suffered many health problems that caused me to rely on others for transportation. After having three surgeries, I was forced to have others drive me home from the hospital. This was a huge anxiety producer. Again, I managed to get through it and even did it in a relaxed state.

Is it a control issue? Maybe. Some psychologists feel that there is an underlying cause for fear. I have never been in a car accident so this fear really seems unrealistic. I do not fear death; I am truly confident that there is an afterlife. So what is my issue? I don't know. All I can do is continue to reason with my fear and work to overcome it.

In December of 2010, the worst possible situation happened. My car died. I got it briefly running in March for 4 days. During that time I didn't drive a lot but I did drive. Then the car died for good. Every day that goes by my fear of getting behind the wheel again grows. I cannot borrow a car; for me, being in an unfamiliar car is more than I can handle.

Occasionally I have no choice but to leave my house by way of car. My son will take me to where I have to go; he is one of 3 people that I can calmly ride with. The more I am a passenger, the better I can control my anxiety. Unfortunately, I do not ask him to take me out enough.

I am a smart woman. I hate the idea that this unrealistic and often uncontrollable fear has made me a prisoner. I am independently minded. I don't like to be controlled by anything yet anxiety has control over me.

I have fought through chronic depression and often feel like I am winning that battle. I am sure that I can win this battle against anxiety. I have to. I hate feeling weak and I hate that it has so much power over me.

Anxiety will someday be something in my past. The day is not here yet but it will be. Giving up is not an option.

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