Facebook Depression

The Social Network (Two-Disc Collector's Edition)Researchers have come up with a new term when investigating the link between teenage depression and social networking on Facebook. Facebook Depression is when a teen who may be prone to depression reacts negatively to not being able to fit in on social networking sites. They may become more depressed from being exposed to Facebook.

To many teens, feeling accepted by their peers means everything. If your secret crush doesn't ask you out it can be depressing but to have someone unfriend you on Facebook or post negative things about you can be humiliating.

Parents need to realize that it is a different world for teens who are growing up today. Young adults in their mid-twenties have trouble relating to their younger teenage siblings because when they were growing up, Facebook, cell phones and Twitter were not a part of their lives. How much simpler it was back then!

If you suspect that your teen is being harassed or is feeling left out because of something that happened with Facebook friends, open up the conversation. Although to many teens, their parents are clueless, it doesn't hurt to try and talk to them about how they feel.

Never belittle how they feel; remember to a teenager, being socially accepted can mean everything. Encourage them to share their feelings with you and also to not treat others how they have been treated.

Teenage depression can become serious if it is not recognized. Whether it is caused by Facebook or other triggers, depression is real and treatable.

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