Panic Attacks - Coping Skills

Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You ThinkWe live in an unpredictable world. Whoever told you that everything would go smoothly if you just did what you were supposed to, well, they lied. Sometimes, much of the time, things do not go as planned.

Worrying doesn't change the outcome of anything.

Once you grasp that idea and learn to accept it, overcoming panic will be much easier. Life is short. Why waste time with your stomach in knots worrying about stuff that may not happen?

Get rid of panic and live your life! I know that sometimes self-help books and articles make it sound so easy. People who deal with severe panic or anxiety can sometimes spiral into a place where it seems impossible to break free but guess what? You can break free from the anxiety that seems to control you.

I am stubborn...I do not want ANYONE telling ME what to do. It is surprised then that I allow panic to control my actions. Hey, I am working on it. I can go weeks without a panic attack and then, out of nowhere, the familiar symptoms occur. Shortness of breath, sweating, shakiness, that uneasy feeling in my stomach and feeling that all I want to do is climb under the covers and escape from life. I deal with it. I do what I have to do.

I have come a long way with my anxiety. I got to the place where I do not want it to run my life. I think that once you get fed up enough, it gives you the power to fight against the panic. There are tools like deep breathing, visualization and talking to someone who makes you feel safe that can help you through a panic attack.

I suggest (and have suggested before) a very good book (yes- a self-help book,lol) that really does have good exercises for you to do. Anxiety cannot be cured by taking a pill. You need to explore the source of the panic and painfully face it and overcome it.

Need more help or convincing that you can cope with anxiety ? You can do it. Take it one panic attack at a time. Don't beat yourself up if you do not handle it like you would wish. Next time you will do better. Compliment yourself for the little battles won. Soon it will become habit to work through your anxiety and your panic attacks will lessen. It takes practice.

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